Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Twenty five things on turning twenty five

1. To err is human. To er, umm, ah, ugh, uh oh is me.

2. I can’t believe I was once the size of a cauliflower.

3. I like wearing black. It helps me feel hidden.

4. It is always good to know the art of disappearing like a magic trick on your fingertip.

5. Poetry is a magical thing. It knows exactly where to reach and what to pull out.

6. Often, I have met wolves and other bad creatures disguised as humans.

7. It aches to grow up.

8. Drinking is absolutely fun even when it is at 11 am and the sun is shining.

9. It is good to stop sometime and sit on a bench in a park. As you stop, everything there stops. Absolutely stops.

10. I am afraid of the times when the music stops playing.

11. Home is the place where you can pee like a goddess.

12. I have been in love with people, and I have been alone. I think it will take time to figure out which hurts more.

13. I don’t like summers but I like the taste of lychee, so yea summer is missed at times.

14. September makes me super nostalgic. The triggers float in the air, enter through the nostril and screw my mind.

15. October is so beautiful, everything prefers to die.

16. They say, most of the serial killers are born in November. Probably this is why I keep killing people in my head.

17. Then there are days in the year I feel like not feeling.

18. It is absolutely fine to have sex than making love, at times.

19. I learnt damaged people damage people.

20. Saying truth makes you feel a lot lighter. Especially, when it is your mother at the other end.

21. I am more than thankful to my mother for making a trillion rotis up till now. I want a zillion more. It is one of a kind feeling to see her cooking while humming a recent song.

22. A lot of my dreams consist of a person in an asylum, sitting on a tree, writing poems on paper planes, waiting for the right wind to kick up. Perhaps that person is me.

23. Mind is a gift. Even if it hurts and lets you have déjà vu.

24. If travelling had cost nothing, people would never see me again.

25. There is something else I was born for. I almost remember it.


  1. Happy B'day. God Bless U. You get 25+25+25+25 encores. I think this much is enough. God Bless U.

    1. :) thank you sir.
      That kind of number will be way more than enough.
