Sunday, 1 June 2014

Change your mind

You’re standing at the edge of the metro platform
with no intent to board the train but to jump off in front of it.
The platform is filled with all the shapes and sizes of strangers.
If you jump, they will be left with a forever connect with you.
Maybe you've ticked all the boxes in your head
of all the feelings you wanted to feel before you die.
So maybe you’ll jump.
Within micro seconds the train will hit you, smash you
And you’ll be a pulpy mess of yourself.
You might have calculated all the risks yesterday,
But who knows if you’d turn bad at math today?
I have heard that trains move faster thank you think.
So when you’ll jump
Those strangers will watch you fall
and will be able to do absolutely nothing about it.
Some will watch you fall and die. And they will be changed forever.
If you die, you may rest in peace while others won’t.
Your death will forever haunt them, and your ghost 
will never quit following them.
You’ll keep dying over and over again in their dreams,
and over and over again, they won’t be able to do a thing about it.
There must be something ugly about your life that has pushed you so far
that you’re standing at the edge of the platform
but just FYI there’s nothing that’s beautiful about suicide either.
There are many better ways to die.
So step back from the edge of the platform,
let your mind be changed
move way back from the yellow line, turn around and breathe.
If you see a clock there, don’t just see the clock;
do what it does. And keep going.

While you’re going away, think of 
the moment between your jump and the ground,
what if you changed your mind then?


  1. the good thing about dying, is that its as simple as lying down.

    There must be something ugly about your life that has pushed you so far that you’re standing at the edge of the platform....i hope you weren't referring to me. i aint that ugly! :|

    1. The good thing is that we die. We, the temporary, do die. And it would be a better thing if we don't get smashed in to pieces.

      Raj Noh. Don't give yourself too much importance ;P

  2. ‘Suicide is man's way of telling God, 'You can't fire me - I quit.'
    Bill Maher
    Actually, there is not a single living adult who has not contemplated suicide at least once. It's all about the moment you're in at the time of the act. For some people the moment lasts too long. Some people just get stuck in a moment, they can't get out of. Anyway, good piece. Proves that you're indeed a Good Samaritan.

    1. :)

      I have written this for that particular moment that strive to last long.

      thank you sir.

  3. Keep going for whom or what...the thought of standing at the ledge and taking the leap was for the self, now why change the order of thinking for others...if the math was right yesterday then the formula cant be too wrong today...u lived for urself and decided to quit for urself so go ahead make it as exciting as possible.

  4. There are many ways to die. There's unfortunately no exciting thing called suicide. There must be a reason why humans are born with hands. May be so every time they fall, they can drag themselves back up again.Rethinking about certain things is not a bad idea.

  5. Dont we die a little within ourselves in some life stage or another. We have been killing ourselves with every wrong decision taken in our lives. If we drag ourselves from from all those falls then why not die to be born again, to wander around the same streets, to live some new mistakes and return to square one. Suicide is so over rated when it is just an independent act of building a new you.

    Having said that I like the line "Rethinking about certain things is not a bad idea"

  6. True, we kill us more times than we can even count. However I feel there's a difference. That kind of killing is a part of living and giving it a freaking meaning. Just like any other form of art, it takes time to live. And then moments are just moments.You live them or let them kill you. End of story.

    But I have no idea if you can commit suicide and reborn. Unless you fail at that. It's just stupid.

  7. I guess no body has the surity or the idea to be born again but isn't it the whole point of taking risk...its just a decision like all the others that you have made in your life...may be just a little bigger in magnitude coz there wont be any more of you to improvise later. But thats just it. All your life you have take decisions which have given you respite irrespective of what others will feel. So if you need to change your mind, it should be on your account but then you wouldn't have to come to this of you didn't give much thought.

  8. I'm sorry but this is purely undiluted crap.
    If someone wants to die out of committing suicide, why would he want to be back (born) again? This place isn't that great to spend more than one life is it?
