Tuesday, 21 May 2013

one night stand

We stand facing each other
in a cosy corner
of a lavish hotel.
We argue over arguing
in front of a few known
and a lot of unknown people.
We try to knock some
sense out of our tipsy senses.
You crack a line and I- a smile.
A little prayer slips off my mouth
as I extend my left hand
to catch you just right.
A hell of high spirits
is there in the air
and baby heavens
in your eyes,
while your innocent face
bathe in the moonlight.
People sell water bottles
for 200 bucks
as if it will even faintly
extinguish what’s burning
in there.
You set yourself straight
on the backseat
quietly ask me to behave
and just pass out.

I could have almost
calculated it,
if I’d not been bad at maths.